Getting started


Clone and install:

git clone
cd amalthea
pip3 install --user --editable '.'

Add custom block path to ~/.gnuradio/config.conf:

local_blocks_path = /path/to/amalthea/amalthea/gnuradio/


An example flowgraph is provided here:


Block details

Device block

The HybridSDR device block (Amalthea device in this example) represents the external FPGA device and would contain parameters for configuring it/connecting to it. It contains the top-level Amaranth design, the callbacks for registering blocks/connections, and handles the host-side USB streaming when the flowgraph runs.

HybridSDR domain

GNU Radio defines the concept of a sample domain and allows block inputs/outputs to be placed in a particular domain when they are defined. Here we define a custom hybridsdr domain for our FPGA-targeted blocks:

id: hybridsdr
label: HybridSDR
color: "#81b35d"

multiple_connections_per_input: false
multiple_connections_per_output: true

-   type: [hybridsdr, hybridsdr]
    connect: self.amalthea_device.connect(("${ }", ${ source.key }), ("${ }", ${ sink.key }))
-   type: [hybridsdr, stream]
    connect: self.amalthea_device.connect_usb(("${ }", ${ source.key }), ${ make_port_sig(sink) })
This also defines how connections should be made between different domains:
  • Connections between two hybridsdr ports are registered with the Device block.

  • Connections between hybridsdr and stream (GNU Radio’s standard sample domain) represent a crossing from the FPGA device to the host PC, and have a special callback that will create a seamless USB stream during elaboration.

Gateware blocks

These are blocks that represent functionality targeted at the FPGA. Here, Amalthea RX represents the radio receiver on the Amalthea device and is a source of samples. Amalthea Demod represents an Amaranth HDL module implementing amplitude, frequency, and phase demodulation.

Blocks are implemented as standard Amaranth HDL modules, using Amaranth/LUNA stream interfaces for input and output. Blocks are defined and exposed to GNU Radio Companion using standard GNU Radio YAML configuration files. This configuration includes a template for instantiation which registers the block with the Device block:

id: amalthea_demod
label: Amalthea Demod
category: '[Amalthea]'

  imports: |-
      import amalthea
  make: |
      self.amalthea_device.add_block("${id}", amalthea.gateware.demod.CORDICDemod(13))

Block inputs and outputs are created within the hybridsdr domain:

- domain: hybridsdr
  dtype: complex
  vlen: 1

- domain: hybridsdr
  label: ampl
  dtype: float
  optional: true
- domain: hybridsdr
  label: freq
  dtype: float
  optional: true
- domain: hybridsdr
  label: phase
  dtype: float
  optional: true


GNU Radio doesn’t currently have a way for the device block to run code just before the flowgraph starts, so the gateware build/program step is invoked using a Python Snippet block in this example:


This builds the gatware and programs the Amalthea device, waits for it to start & enumerate, then creates the host-side USB connections to the stream-domain blocks.

Other buses

By default, HybridSDR designs use Amaranth/LUNA stream interfaces between blocks. However, by using the same techniques above to design custom sample domains & connection behaviour, other bus standards can be supported and interconnected.

An example block implementing a pipelined Wishbone interface is included. The domain definition includes a template for inserting an adapter module so that it can interface with the LUNA USB stream interface:

-   type: [wishbone, stream]
    connect: |-
        self.${}_stream = amalthea.gateware.wishbone_example.StreamAdapter(self.${})
        self.amalthea_device.add_block("${}_stream", self.${}_stream)
        self.amalthea_device.connect_usb(("${ }_stream", ${ source.key }), ${ make_port_sig(sink) })